September 20, 2024

World according to Wayne

Random Thoughts – reflections and observations


The question today
you may wish to ask,
but are too polite to say
is… why does he wear
a different hat each day?
Test In response I must say
Because I like them – and that’s that.

I’m just a cool cat in a hat
but there is a purpose to a hat on my head,
it’s my personality,
So dashing and dapper I can be
and my hat has functionality.
And practicality
It protects me from rainy skies,
it can be used as a disguise.
At the beach it shields my head
from the gulls many tries
to hit it with an unwanted surprise
and at the pool it shades my eyes
I collect them for their versatility.
They are seasonal,
they are reasonable
to wear at any time,
whether night or day
and on my head, they will stay

and if you really must know
for I have nothing to hide
except my hair
if you can find any there
their praises I always sing.
For satisfaction they do bring
And I can even throw them in a ring.

I don’t know what to say.
I have more hats than I can wear.
Cause I can only wear one at a time.
That’s only fair,
more than one head would make you stare
Nothing more will I say
except I like my hats and that’s that