September 20, 2024

World according to Wayne

Random Thoughts – reflections and observations



I spent five years studying architecture at the Catholic University of America in Washington DC. It took that long to determine that I really did not have the talent to be an architect. Oh, I may be able to practice architecture as a draftsman, but the subtleties of the design escaped me. What those five years gave me though was an understanding of space both interior and exterior. The latter of which led me to transition to regional and urban planning, my secondary area of study at Catholic.


 I still love to observe and photograph urban architecture. I enjoy the city and urban spaces and its spatial and visual transitions. So, with that in mind I offer you a perspective of what some have called “Frozen Music”,25

Architecture discussed by others who have better words

“A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.”

“Architects, if they are really to be comprehensive, must assume the enormous task of thinking in terms always disciplined to the scale of the total world pattern of needs, its resource flows, its recirculatory and regenerative processes.”

Richard Buckminster Fuller, Ideas and Integrities: A Spontaneous Autobiographical Disclosure


“Today, when so much seems to conspire to reduce life and feeling to the most deprived and demeaning bottom line, it is more important than ever that we receive that extra dimension of dignity or delight and the elevated sense of self that the art of building can provide through the nature of the places where we live and work. What counts more than style is whether architecture improves our experience of the built world; whether it makes us wonder why we never noticed places in quite this way before.”

― Ada Louise Huxtable, On Architecture: Collected Reflections on a Century of Change ― 


“Architecture is a social act and the material theater of human activity.”

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