September 20, 2024

World according to Wayne

Random Thoughts – reflections and observations


Each brilliant summer day must fade

its color leached into evening shade.

Horizons edge obscured

by the days’ struggle to prevail.

Shadows sneak forward,

pressing day into dusk.

As the color of the day

begins to fail.

Now Dismissed by shadow’s command,

into peaceful waters;

light and color sink

abandoning the drowsy land

as the sun withdraws its gentle hand,

contented waters blush from a crimson kiss.

as sun’s caress lingers

painting a sherbet delight

across the sky,

over the shadowed lake

with sun-stained fingers,

Eager Shadows transform the sky

into a carnivorous flower,

tearing the clouds into ruddy scraps,

for the hungry shadows to devour.

Evening shades now are closed

But pierced by the moon now disposed

to cast its inky shadows across the land.

Silencing nature

with cold blue stare.

Listening for the approaching

hoofbeats of the night mare

Whether, benevolent, or Malevolent shadows may be,

only a few will know

As their daydreams

into the darkness go.

To seek the morning light

convincing shadows into shade

reconciling with the night.